Pickleball Clinics
Serve and Return + 1
This class is focused on the first four shots in pickleball. Mechanics, strategy, and placement are the main focus. Beginner to Advanced (2.0/3.5)
Get me a Dink!
In this clinic we will focus on the most important and common shot in pickleball, the dink. Through this 60 minute session we will cover basic fundamentals such as grip, footwork, weight transfer, and contact point and focus while executing a dink to make you feel much more comfortable playing from the non-volley zone. Advanced Beginner (2.5/3.0)
Good Golly that Volley!
This class is focused on hitting backhand and forehand volleys in pickleball. Mechanics and placement are the main focus. Advanced Beginner (2.5/3.0)
Is your forehand or backhand lacking control or power? If so, what you need is our groundstroke clinic to bring those wayward groundstrokes under control. Advanced Beginner/Intermediate Level (2.5-3.5).
Skills and Drills
If you're looking for a great drill session to reinforce your pickleball skills, join our PPR Coaching staff as we put our students' skills to the test in this one-hour class. This class is perfect for practicing and improving a variety of pickleball skills and strategies. Advanced Beginner (2.0/2.5) and Intermediate Clinics (3.0+) are available.
Adding Variety to Your Game
Being able to hit consistent shots is key to improving your game, but becoming predictable can leave you open to counterattacks. When should you drop, dink, drive, or lob? In this class, you’ll get a chance to practice all four of those shots learning how to use them assertively and strategically while also learning techniques for countering those shots when they’re used against you. Advanced Beginner/Intermediate Level (2.5-3.5).
Get me a Dink, Two!
This clinic will be a continuation of Get Me a Dink! where we use the fundamentals learned to begin to better place and aim our dinks, as well as learn more strategy behind the dink shot. Adv. Beginner/Intermediate. Level Advanced Beginner/Intermediate Level (2.5-3.5).
Lobs and Overheads
Lobs and overheads are not often a part of a point in Pickleball--but having them in your repertoire is a good idea. We'll show you how and when. Advanced Beginner/Intermediate Level (2.5-3.5).
Theme of the week 101
In this clinic we will debunk some of the most common myths in regards to game strategy and execution, giving you a better understanding of the flow of the game. Topics that will be covered are attacking, defending, transition, and teamwork. Advanced Beginner/Intermediate Level (2.5-3.5).
Theme of the week 201
This clinic will be a continuation of strategy 101, building off the tactics and strategies learned in 101, this clinic will go a step further into better understanding the game at a higher level. In this clinic we will focus on how to take advantage of strengths & weaknesses of our opponent as well as our own. Advanced Beginner/Intermediate Level (2.5-3.5).
Quick Reflexes at The Net
When the rally speeds up at the net, do you have trouble keeping up? Then let’s get those hands moving faster! In this class, we’ll practice several drills that will help you improve your reaction time and your focus so you can place the ball even in the middle of an intense fire fight. Advanced Beginner/Intermediate Level. (2.5-3.5)
Third Shot Drive vs Third Shot Drop
What's the difference between Third Shot Drop and Third Shot Drive? This clinic will teach you! Level up your game in this clinic by learning the fundamentals of each and to when to hit each during your games. Intermediate (3.0-4.0).
Refining Your Soft Game
Do you struggle against bangers? Are you having trouble sustaining your dinks? Do you need help with drop shots? Then this is the class for you. You’ll learn how to slow the pace of the game and how to strategically use the soft game to get your opponent off balance and set your team up for a great put away. Advanced-Beginner/Intermediate (2.0-3.0).
Dealing with Bangers
Get ready to defend your side of the net, and yourself! Dealing with players who speed up play more often than not can be very frustrating. Our USPPR Coach Gage Tutko is here to help you tame that savage opponent and put control of the point back in your hands. Intermediate Level (3.0-4.0).
Adding Spin to Your Game
In this 60-minute clinic students will learn how to add spin to a variety of strokes that will improve our variety of shots and create havoc for your opponents. We will also discuss how to deal with opponent's spin. Intermediate Level (3.0-4.0).
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
In a doubles match, having solid teamwork can make or break your chance to win. In this class, we will discuss strategies to improve your teamwork and try them out with a few drills. Then we will practice these strategies by playing games in a tournament mindset. This class is perfect for a doubles or mixed doubles team who is preparing for their first league or tournament. Advanced-Beginner/Intermediate (2.0-3.0).
Live Ball Tennis
Is a doubles format with up to 6 players on a court. To displace the champions, the other two players need to win four points. In order to maintain their reign, champions just need to win two. A clean-winner off the feed would result in an instant dethroning of the champions. The first ball is fed by the coach so no time is wasted in-between points. With the ball being fed continually, it forces the players to be constantly on the move. The coach specifies the type of shot off the feed i.e. forehand crosscourt from the deuce court, backhand crosscourt from the ad court, inside-out forehand from the ad court, and so on and so forth. The fast pace of Live Ball forces players to anticipate the direction and type of shot for the first ball, allowing them to develop control.
Cardio Tennis
Want a workout without going to the gym! Burn up to 700 calories in just 1 hour. Cardio tennis is all about the workout and consist of four parts. Dynamic warm-up, drill, games and cool down. This will be the most fun workout you’ve ever had. (recommend for players of all levels but not recommended for folks with knee or hit issues)
Point Play
Point Play is a cardio workout, where you play out actual doubles points while working your entire body from head to toe! You will continually be moving from offense to defense in these fast-paced 1.5 hour drills. Try it once and you'll be hooked!
Mastering Spins
Each week, the pro will choose a specific spin to work on. Learn to master top spin, slice, drop-shot, slice and top spin serve etc..
Good Golly that Volley!
This class is focused on hitting backhand and forehand volleys in tennis. You will learn the proper grip for hitting low volleys, the proper foot work to maximize power and where to place them to win more points.
Theme of the week Doubles Strategy
Each week, the pro will choose a specific doubles strategy to focus on including shot selection, positioning, gaining control of the point, staying in the point, finishing the point, decision making etc..
Theme of the week Singles Strategy
Each week, the pro will choose a specific doubles strategy to focus on including shot selection, positioning, gaining control of the point, staying in the point, finishing the point, decision making etc..
USTA 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0 Strategy Clinics
Grab your teammates and register as a group for these clinics so you can practice strategy, positioning and shot selection with your partner/teammates. That way, everyone will be on the same page.
Men’s Doubles Drills
Monday nights 6:30-8:00pm. You will be done in time to watch Monday Night Football on our big screens. Improve your doubles game by mastering positioning, shot selection and decision-making skills.
Mastering Footwork in Tennis
Each week, the pro will choose a shot and will teach you the proper footwork for a specific shot in tennis. Great footwork is the foundation behind every shot.
Junior Tennis Programs
Ages 3-4 Mini tennis- These sessions are a fantastic way to introduce young children to tennis. Sessions are packed full of fun ways for children to improve basic agility, balance and coordination, core fundamentals for all sports. They will also learn the basic techniques for forehands, backhands and volleys.
Ages 4-7 Red Levels 1,2,3 - An introduction to tennis using light-weight rackets, red balls and a smaller court. An excellent way to develop coordination, racket and ball skills and basic stroke technique. Lots of fun games including a selection of activity stations designed to provide a variety of tennis related learning experiences – the emphasis is very much on FUN.
Ages 7-9 Orange Levels 1,2,3 - For players progressing from a mini court and have developed their skills sufficiently to move to a larger size court/more rally based play with low compression balls. Equipment and court size are adapted to cater for the ability of players. Sessions cover coordination and movement, progressive development of the strokes, basic rules and tactics.
Ages 10-12 Transition Levels 1&2 This is aimed for children who are ready to test their skills on a full-size court developing good technique & tactical decision making. Their confidence will grow as they progress through the stages. They'll learn the fair play values of tennis as well – these encourage good behavior and sportsmanship.
Ages 12-17 Transition to High School/Tournament Tennis Tennis coaching designed specifically for teens, which provides social, fitness, and learning opportunities. Lessons follow a Games-Based Approach and are intended to attract and retain teenagers in the game and will prepare them for tournaments, high school and college tennis.
Try Tennis and Pickleball Clinics Now is the time to try a racquet sport!
Pickleball has seen growth of 128% over the last 3 years and tennis is up 33% since Covid.
In this clinic, you will learn the basic techniques of the sport you choose to learn. It will be a fun and safe environment to learn and make mistakes. This is a 6 week commitment because each week will build on what you learned from the week before.
Please let me know if you have any questions,